The BC Spot Prawn season is open again. In December, our friends showed us how easy it is to catch them, and now we are hooked. We bought a trap, and plan to make more. In the meantime, we are baiting our trap with a punctured tin of seafood catfood, and hauling up the prawns. They are ridiculously huge and delicious. We caught 30 in our first trap, and figure that that haul alone paid for the trap and the line. The rest are free.
We're trying to turn it into a zero carbon venture, and so Douglas dusted off the baidarka. This evening, Theo went to have dinner at a friend's house (!!), and we went on a little marine date.
All was quiet on the water. We saw an otter, a few seals, some brilliantly coloured ducks, and even a bald eagle perched in an arbutus. He was no doubt looking for dinner.
We caught just 6 prawns (and a giant sunflower seastar), but set a new can of cat food, and moved the trap to what we hope is a better spot. This is really the way to fish.
Theo had a fun time at dinner, and was so tuckered out from all of his play that he only needed 2 stories before bed!