Monday, March 07, 2011

blast from the past

back when little t was little (O, am I getting nostalgic already??):

making some calls

little t often sees us on the phone, and has started making some calls of his own. When he can get his hands on one, he uses an actual phone. If there's no phone handy, he uses a measuring cup, a stuffed toy, or just his hand. It all seems to work for him. This one is a business call, I think, because his "hi" is pretty subdued and serious. Sometimes, when he calls his friends, his "hi" is high-pitched and boisterous, and accompanied by wild waving of his eyebrows.

Sunday, March 06, 2011


The little man has decided that there might be a better way of getting around than crawling. He's walking well while we hold his hand, and starting to step out on his own:

He's so pleased with himself! and he should be. 8)