With Christmas just around the corner, Douglas and I have been knitting and projecting like maniacal little elves to get all of our Christmas presents made. Luckily Douglas is a fast and adventurous knitter. He went straight from knitting a single, plain square, to making complicated felting projects that involve 4 double-pointed needles, increases, decreases, thumbs, you name it. They're turning out great, and some are in the machine felting right this second.
In the past week, we've knitted a pound and a half of yarn into half a dozen projects. That's a piece of yarn as long as 6 football fields. I wish I knew how many stitches it was...
I won't post pictures of the projects, so I don't spoil any surprises. But here's a picture of Douglas knitting:
At the yarn store, we also found out about
Ravelry, a site where you can post and search thousands of knitting projects. People post yarn, yardage, pictures of the finished project, whatever. I've signed up to be a beta tester. There's a waiting list, so I don't have an account yet, but I'll post more once I have access.
I'm still in job purgatory, waiting for HR to do something with my new job description. I've written my resignation letter a thousand times in my head. Fingers crossed...